Monday, December 15, 2014

Christmas mission reunion

You are right, while I was ready your emails and hearing about the chocolate store experience I was craving a lot food. But soon I will eat lunch. The same old same old. Soap and arroz (rice). But I am actually getting used to it. 

Well, mom, I am glad that you loved Portland. It will be fun to visit someday. Its funny that you mentioned that there are people dressed like I used to dress. Ya know I don't even know if I will dress the same. I have lost style. I don't know if I like the same thing. Because here it is white shirt and tie and when I am not proselyting I am in gym shorts and a t shirt. So we will have to see how it will be when I get back.

Thank you so much for the pictures, they are so funny and cute. Did Elder Smith have transfers? He really is my best friend. It would be awesome if he was there when I get off the airplane next year. But hey we don't need to focus on that because it still is a date super far away. I don't want to end being a missionary today.

Well I know you are just dying to know about the mission reunion. Well we left martes (Tuesday), 10 in the morning and got in Guayaquil at 7 in the night time and left the terminal at 9. We slept in a hotel that is next to the temple that is owned by the church.

On Wednesday we woke up early and went to the meeting. It was awesome to meet with everyone. I saw all of my old friends and Elder Phillips (From our stake in Boise) and Elder Borg  (Also from our stake in Boise who just came out to Ecuador a few weeks ago). It is funny I know Elder Borg from our stake. I don't know him know him but I knew who he was. But I was able to talk with him and he knows a lot of Spanish.

Christmas mission lunch
Well the conference was cool because we say the music video David Archuleta of the song symphony that was in the movie Meet the Mormons. We saw the video of El es la Dadiva (He is the Gift). But it was awesome because President de templo (temple president) and his wife spoke to us about the importance of service worthily. Also they talked about the importance of our calling.

Hermana Dennis taught us about the atonement and I learned a lot about the importance of the expiacion (atonement) in the whole plan de salvacion (Plan of Salvation). President Dennis also talked about the ley de consagracion (law of consecration). That really hit me and I have been thinking more and more about being consecrated to this work and el señor (the Lord).

It was so awesome to see all my friends.  Elder Cordova, one of my favorite companions. When I saw him he came to me and hugged me and we just started talking as if we never were separated. Really he is awesome. He was telling me about our converts when we were together. He received letters from them and he said that Leuteria, the old lady in bastion popular, she is active. She is in the book of alma. Alma 60. She is almost going to finish the Book of Mormon. She is doing family history and is going to the temple regularly. She said that her family doesn't support her but she is active. You guys don't understand the gozo, the joy, that made me feel to know that my work and efforts weren't lost.  Read Alma 29:9-10, it expresses my feelings.
Alma 29:9 I know that which the Lord hath commanded me, and I glory in it. I do not glory of myself, but I glory in that which the Lord hath commanded me; yea, and this is my glory, that perhaps I may be an instrument in the hands of God to bring some soul to repentance; and this is my joy.
 10 And behold, when I see many of my brethren truly penitent, and coming to the Lord their God, then is my soul filled with joy; then do I remember what the Lord has done for me, yea, even that he hath heard my prayer; yea, then do I remember his merciful arm which he extended towards me.
Also the Lady I baptized with Elder Roman. She is active too and has conducted the music in church and is awesome. Read alma 26 that also explains my feelings.  Click here for a link to the Scripture that Brian talked about.

Well, when I got into the temple I just felt like I was home. It was weird, yes I was in Ecuador talking Spanish but I felt home. It was really cool because everyone in the session were missionaries. President Dennis was the obrero (temple worker) together with his wife. When I got into the Celestial room I was greeted by Hermana Dennis and wow I saw you mom. It was weird. She previously in the conference expressed that we are like her kids to her. I really felt her love and I feel that she is my second mom. Now not taking glory and my love away from you mom. But you can feel good knowing that some else is worried about me. (queue mom's tears.) I was able to feel the Spirit very strongly in the temple and received a few personal revelations so that I can be a better missionary. The next morning we returned home. Its such a good feeling to meet up with old friends. 

But other than that the Lord has been blessing us so much this week. We have people progressing and we are completing with the goals. Other than the success that we have received I have been going through a really big trial. Some personal things between me and my companion. Not good but I think it is needed because God needs me to be more humble.

Oh I almost forgot, the best part of my week was eating McDonalds. You don't understand the joy. I was able to eat real food and not arroz (rice) with pollo (chicken) and sopa (soup) all day. I might have eaten a lot to take advantage of the opportunity but what's done is done. Okay now I am even more hungry.

Have a wonderful week, you have my prayers and my thoughts.
I love you
Elder Luke

Click on the link to watch the video for Glorious from the movie Meet the Mormons

Click to link to watch the video El es la Dadiva

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