Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Elder Smith told me that I am where the Lord wants me to grow the most.

I am really happy. I really feel that my prayers are answered every time I read your letters. I worry about my family, but I just keep working and God provides for us. AWESOME: I am so happy. I love the photos of the snow in Boise.  It makes me miss snow. But its all good. Its cold enough here in Pedernaloes. (It has been in the 70s but probably with less humidity).

Boise snowman
About me, well I had transfers. I went super far from my sector. I was previously serving in Pedernales 1 and now I am so far away that I am in Pedernales 2. HAHA Elder Sanchez is in Guayaquil until jueves (Thursday) and will come back and train a new missionary. My new companion is Elder Muñoz, he is from Chile. Remember in the pictures the missionary grande (tall) and whiter than most Latinos. He is my new companion and its awesome because we have the same time in the mission. We came to the mission at the same time.  He is really fun. My new sector is super tiny but they just had two baptisms this last week so that means there really are people prepared and I really want to do well this transfer. The meta or goal is 8 baptisms in the month of Diciembre (December). It is a very high goal but we can find family's. FAMILY'S! 

This picture is from the day Brian and the rest of these missionaries
started their service in Ecuador.  Elder Munoz is on the top row center.
current zone or district group

Well this week what happened was something that really strengthened my testimony. We had a baptism. She also doesn't have much support from her family but she has such a strong testimony. During the baptism I felt the Spirit so strong and she did too. There weren't people talking and there wasn't much outside sound. It was very spiritual. I may are may not have cried ;D 
We were so happy that day that we bought pizza in the night to celebrate.

It was a testimony that this work and church is true. It was so simple the way the Spirit testified to me but it strengthened me so much. I saw her change her life and all I did was use words to help the Spirit enter into her life and now she is a member of the church and this next Sunday she will have a calling. I am so happy. I really wanted to hug her when we ended the baptism. Every time I looked at her I thought of you mom. She has the same age as you and dad. (I didn't edit this sentence because it made me laugh.  I guess he's translating Spanish into English to write this letter.) But I didn't hug her. But I might cry when I have to say good bye to her someday. But thankfully I will have more time here in Pedernales. 

Sunday we had a satellite broadcast from the area where they spoke very bluntly about consejo de barrio, ward council meetings. It was super cool to learn more and the rama was shocked because it brought to light the things they might be doing wrong. 

I have learned this transfer that I need to trust more in God. Elder Smith (from Boise) told me that I am where the lord wants me to grow the most. This means that I am here to learn and to do more. 

I love you, I really love you. I am so grateful mom that you guys made the first step to be members actives (active members of the church) so that I can be here. Maybe sometimes I forget the sacrifices that people have done for me to be here but the Spirit reminds me and I am driven always to be better. I am doing my best.

Elder Luke

(For Brian's birthday we sent him new shoes.  The place we purchased the shoes from was worried that the shoes he bought before he left were worn through already when they should last a lot longer than this.  I told the shop owner that Brian just likes shoes and generally wears through shoes faster than others.  Here is Brian's comment to my little joke.)
p.s. my shoes are getting a little worn. The heavy duty shoes that we bought are almost flat on the bottom, they still work and are one of my favorite shoes but they are worn a bit. But don't worry, I have plenty of shoes. Its true, I told my companion that ya know when you are a true missionary when you find joy in your shoes, and ties.


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