Monday, July 7, 2014

I cried because my prayers are being answered

Hey Mom. Just so you know I cried with your carta (letter). Because prayers are being answered, that's for sure. I will elaborate on mas abajo en la carta (below in the letter).

Pero, woo these couple weeks sounds like its been freaking crazy in Boise. Trek, STP, Work, 4th of July. A lot more crazy than here. This week has been normal, We have been focusing on finding new people. Because the way it works here is that our investigators need to asistir (attend) church three times. To have baptisms this month, we have to have people in church this last Sunday so that we can have baptisms 26 de julio. So we have been focusing a lot to find people so that we can have baptisms on the 26 de julio. Well, we found people. One day we just found this kid on the street and we asked him a question and wrote his information and then passed for su casa (his home). When we got there su tia (his aunt) let us in and was super comfortable talking to us. So we taught something small and put a cita por (appointment for) another day. When we passed by we taught la restoracion (the Restoration). The grandpa didn't understand very well, so the kid explained it all. He understood it all and is super cool. He is young and super cool around us. The problem is that he couldn't go to church, so he wont be able to be baptized until August. Ta,bien cintacted a family that we met when their mom died when I was first here in Bastion Popular. Well they were super receptive and very grateful that we came to comfort the family. We taught them el plan de salvacion (the plan of salvation). Explained donde esta su mama (where their mom is). But tampoco (neither) they didn't go to church. So August. But this other family, super awesome. The dad went to church, he said he will come back next time. Vamos seguir trabajando con el (We will continue working with them). So we want a feche (save the date) baptismal for the 26. But we have other people who can be baptized that have past asistencias (attendance). We need to this week work a lot with them. But apart de eso (from that) we had a baptism. De tres personas (three people). Was awesome, because tambien presidente Dennis y su esposa  (the mission president and his wife) attended the baptism.  Was awesome. They were so grateful. The lady, se llama (called) Leuteria Macas, when we shook her hand afterwards to wish her congratulations, she grabbed my hand then with the other hand grabbed my elbow and had a firm grip and said that if it wasn't for Elder Cordova and yo (me) she wouldn't be here. It was so awesome. Then domingo (Sunday) they received the Holy Ghost. So awesome. Now we just need to keep them on the Straight and narrow path. That's it about this week. Just rolling a long. Well no I am really trying to improve. I never want to stay the same I want to improve.  When we improve we become closer and closer like Christ. Every cambio (transfer) i am being prepared and refined.
Well, I cried because my prayers are being answered. I have been thinking about my family. A LOT. And I have been praying that the spirit will guide them to know the truth. The spirit has been working hard. I love that. I cried because I know this is true and I just want that for all of you. I love my family so much.
Hey in this week with all the craziness, Remember Christ. The sacrament prayer and our covenant with God through baptism says that we will remember Christ siempre (always). I was thinking how antes la (before the)mission I didn't really fulfill that covenant. Now that I am a missionary I  invite everyone to keep that covenant. You guys to. If you remember you will have the spirit. If you have the spirit your lives will be so much better and you will be able to feel the love of God.
Elder Luke

This is the surprise baptism mentioned in last weeks email


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