Monday, October 12, 2015

Christ is the co-pilot. He is there to help if we ask

Wow I am so happy for the business. Its awesome. All my companions thought I was a geek laughing and getting excited for the amount of inventory we have. But that's what happens when you love something and it starts growing.

I am also very impacted by your dream. How wonderful. God is very mysterious but direct in the way he communicates with us. 

This week what has happened is the same old same old. Working and working. But this week I got sun burnt. But that's normal. This week I have been listening a lot to the conference talks.I love listening to Elder Hales. Its like a heads up for the future return missionaries.

This week I gave a talk in the ward. I talked about a scripture that impacted me from the conference. It's in Mathew 13:44. Click here for a link to the scripture. This man found treasure so he went and sold everything to buy the land where the treasure was found. He Sold EVERYTHING. in the temple we promise God to be consecrated or dedicate EVERYTHING to Him. I love finding scriptures on this topic because I feel that God is giving me a hint.  Luke 14:29-31

Also this week we received a reference. That reference was of a less active of which the husband isn't member. But he has a lot of health problems. Well we contacted the reference and started teaching them. The husband can't walk. He doesn't remember things very well. He cant speak very well. He is missing a leg and on the other leg the doctors screwed up on an operation. so he cant walk at all. well he has bean burdened down by this tragic thing in his life. We started teaching him and he has started to trust in us. He cant read and he can't remember how to pray but his heart is honest and broken. My companion and I pushed him in his wheelchair to the church and back. He has accepted to be baptized this 31st of October. At first I will admit that I thought of him as a number. That was my fault. But as I started serving him and as I saw my companion serve him, my heart and mind changed. He isn't a number, He is now to me a child of God that maybe won't be a way to help progress the church through his service or help but God wants him to go back to him.  He can't go back without the ordinances that God has set. That's where our job comes in. I was thinking the other day of his ancestors. How much they are depending on him for their salvation. 

In a conference talk I heard that we are the pilots of our lives. I started thinking then who are the passengers. I think that the passenger can be future and past ancestors and descendants. If we decide to fly into a storm then they are affected also, If we decide to start maneuvering through mountains they are affected. If I or you or anyone takes one decision there are many affected. So now it's down to us. Everything in this moment depends on us. Lets not get stressed out because Christ is the co-pilot. He's there to help if we ask.
I learned in church through a fellow missionary named Elder Moore.  He talked about how God doesn't send us through afflictions and trails and just super hard times to punish us. Yet it is to make us better and to change us. Everything is for our well being. So I thought that as I prayed for a challenge to be more humble I received something subtle and small that the Spirit called my attention to recognize Gods hands. I have two years in the mission and ya think my feet would be used to walking. But I have this bruise looking blister on the entire ball on my foot. I don't know how to get rid of it and it hurts. But I recognize Gods designs. I prayed for it and so I accept it. 

I love you so much, I love god and I love serving him.

Have a wonderful week. 


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